- Hip – Hip impingement, labral tears, arthritis, bursitis, groin strains, ITB syndrome
- Knee – Patellar tendonitis, fat pad impingement, patellofemoral pain syndrome, ligament injuries, meniscal injuries
- Ankle/Foot – ankle sprains, plantar fasciitis, tendonitis, orthotic prescription
- Shoulder/Upper limb – rotator cuff, tendonitis, tennis elbow, golfers elbow, carpal tunnel
We manage musculoskeletal pain, enhance performance and prevent future recurrences by using the latest evidence based research and advanced treatment techniques.
Sports injuries including Hip, Knee, Ankle/foot, Shoulder/Upper limb

Neck Pain
Cervical Radiculopathy, Discogenic pain, joint strain, muscle tension, acute wry neck, headaches
Back Pain
Lumbar radiculopathy, sciatica, herniated disc, joint pain, muscle tension/spasm, degenerative joint disease, thoracic pain, rib pain

Pelvic Pain
Pregnancy related back pain, pelvic floor dysfunction, post pregnancy rehabilitation
Workplace/overuse Injuries
Pain, swelling, numbness weakness from repetitive use.

Post surgical Rehabilitation
ACL reconstruction, Ligament repairs, post fracture, tendon repairs.